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    7 Ways to Improve Team Productivity

    Guy working on the team productivity of an app project

    7 Ways to Improve Team Productivity

    August 19, 2021

    One of the biggest ongoing challenges for company leaders is keeping productivity high. This is especially true when you have no idea how employees perceive the company, if they’re happy in their roles, and their overall satisfaction level. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

    • Studies have shown that employees are productive for a total of around three hours per day, but when productivity improves, businesses can see a 21% increase in profits. 
    • Boosting productivity should thus be a big priority for your company.
    • Productivity measures how efficiently a business gets its intended products or services to market. 
    • It shows how efficient processes and workers are and covers how many resources the company uses and what they cost. 
    • Productivity metrics tell you if workflows should be moving faster or if team members aren’t sure what they’re supposed to be doing, among many other possible details.

    It can be harder than ever to manage efficiency with so many employees working remotely or operating under new work arrangements. This guide will walk through why productivity is so important for your company, and seven ways to improve team productivity.

    Why It’s Important to Increase Productivity

    Lots of factors impact productivity for your company. These can include work environment, team dynamics, access to technology, software being used, leadership strategies, schedule flexibility, and general open-mindedness. 

    Focusing on these considerations should be an ongoing top priority to drive the business forward. Here are a few key reasons why increasing productivity is important:

    Better Bottom Line

    Your team’s productivity level has a domino effect on the business as a whole. Work getting done faster and more efficiently leads to more time to expand the business or focus more on clients. More products and services can be delivered, and of a higher quality. These benefits then lead to increased sales, business growth, and a bottom line boost.

    Better Company Culture

    Productivity also impacts company culture. Ideally, team members work together consistently and collaboratively to create better workflows and processes. Communication is always at its best and there’s not much confusion or resentment. Everyone knows where their role fits into the bigger picture. These steps create a more positive work environment.

    Greater Efficiency

    Who wouldn’t want a more efficient company? Increasing productivity helps things get done quicker and better. That leads to time, energy, and money savings, meaning the business operates at maximum performance.

    Increasing productivity should be an ongoing process. There is likely always something you can do better or a team can do faster. The benefits are clear: You’ll have a more efficient, profitable business when you can continue boosting productivity.

    team in office working together

    7 Ways to Improve Team Productivity

    How do you convert this knowledge into action? It may take some trial and error, and it won’t happen overnight. Here are seven proven ways to improve team productivity and start reaping the benefits: 

    1. Prioritize Employee Well-Being

    Make sure you’re putting your employees first. This means reevaluating your benefits offerings, because today’s workers care more about perks like paid parental leave, flexible work hours, remote work options, and getting access to technology. They also want to have control over their work-life balance, so employee self-service is becoming more common. Ask for feedback with one-on-one meetings and surveys when you’re unsure what would keep them engaged and motivated.

    2. Create a Diverse Team

    Companies can increase productivity merely by diversifying their teams. Having a mix of backgrounds, experience levels, and strengths improves decision-making and creativity. These different perspectives can lead to more efficient processes for the business. 

    3. Set Clear Roles and Responsibilities

    Teams and individual workers need to know exactly why their job is important. Make sure they can perform tasks independently, without someone always looking over their shoulder. They should feel ownership over their role and responsibilities.

    4. Create Goals and Priorities

    Sometimes a dip in productivity may be due to a lack of clear or attainable goals. Teams should always know what targets they’re trying to hit and which tasks get the highest priority. A good sense of direction keeps people on task and working toward that result.

    5. Build Trust

    Another way you can foster a positive work culture is by staying open and honest with your teams. Show vulnerability by admitting your mistakes and discussing ways to grow. Employees need to be led by example, so make sure you’re leading from a place of authenticity. These positive feelings can foster more satisfaction at work and thus more focus.

    6. Streamline Everyday Tasks

    New technologies and tools, like AI and automation, should be on your radar to support teams and streamline processes. Many companies still use outdated practices, like using a ton of paper or holding meetings when an email would get the job done. Think of ways to incorporate a new platform to take on some of the most tedious, time-consuming tasks.

    7. Incorporate Some Fun

    Employees will be more motivated and satisfied when you include fun activities or even games into getting work done. Create contests for hitting targets or give out rewards to employees each month. These steps show them you care, and that recognition goes a long way in improving employees’ work life. 

    Workers need support, guidance, and incentives to stay focused and motivated, leading to better team productivity. A more productive staff leads to a more lucrative company. 

    Contact Ignite HCM When You Need a Productivity Boost

    One way to focus more on your teams and boost productivity is by ensuring you have all the resources you need for HR, including updated tools for payroll management and optimization. Getting paid should never be a headache for employees, so make sure they’re satisfied with the process by using better tools. 

    Ignite HCM can help you with  ADP payroll management services, consulting, and optimization. We give you the support your HR department needs to streamline tasks and continue being there for your employees. Contact Ignite HCM for help with your payroll management and HR optimization needs.

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